Adult Choir has around 20-25 regular members who practice Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. during the school year. We sing in worship about twice a month. Our director is John Arndt, musician and teacher.
Hand Bell Choir has about a dozen members who practice Thursday evenings at 5:15 p.m. We play in worship the third Sunday of each month during the school year. Our director is Paula Meier, musician and teacher.
Youth Ministries
Senior Youth meets regularly Sunday mornings at 9:30 for Bible study. Our youth also take part in Faith Milestones events, gathering at church with parents to learn about announced topics. This fosters good communication within families about spiritual life. Occasionally we gather for fun activities, service projects, and service projects. There are occasional retreats and Higher Things conferences.
Junior Youth meets regularly Sunday mornings at 9:30 for Bible study. We also gather for regular instruction during the week, and often do service projects together. Wednesday nights are important for grades 5-8 at St. Matthew, as we gather at 7:00 for Confirmation (learning the basic teachings of Scripture: Commandments, Life of Jesus, Lord's Prayer, teachings of baptism and the Lord's Supper, etc.).
Teaching children is a natural part of our congregation. Sundays (Sunday School) and Wednesdays (Midweek School) are prime time for children getting together, learning Bible stories, memorizing Scripture through word and song, and making crafts. We do not have a staffed nursery during worship, but have a cry room at the back (where you can see and hear the service) in case parents need to take a child there briefly to calm them. Parents and children all worship together in the Sanctuary.
Service Groups
Altar Guild - This faithful group of women meet monthly to discuss upcoming worship and sanctuary needs. They set up communion, prepare fresh flower arrangements weekly, clean the chancel area, make banners, and prepare the sanctuary to be a holy place for all who arrive on Sunday for worship. They are women of prayer, who serve the Lord with love, and are always preparing for the presence of the Lord in His holy temple.
Ushers & Greeters - Men, women, youth and families are invited to serve as Ushers and Greeters for worship services! Greeters welcome members and visitors to church at the 8:00 or 10:30 service, and Ushers hand out bulletins, help people locate seats, pass offering plates through the pews, and release rows to go up for Holy Communion at services in which it is offered.
LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League) - We have two groups: Lydia Circle is our daytime group that meets on the second Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. Mary Martha Circle meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. They keep very busy with a combination of regular Bible study, care projects to bless people in our congregation, mission projects that bless the worldwide reach of the Gospel, fellowship events, and fundraising efforts for missions.
LLL- (Lutheran Laymen's League) sponsors the monthly men's breakfast and Bible study and the Easter Breakfast.
Care Ministry- This group meets monthly and remembers those who are facing illness, grief or other issues. They make visits, send cards and offer a shoulder to those in need.
Mission Committee- This group maintains the Mission room and coordinates collections for the community.
Sewing Group- Ladies of all skill levels cut and sew items for Children's Mercy, Hope House, Rachel House, Cancer Society and others.